Thursday, September 10, 2009

Have I Died? Gone to the West?

No. Just been very busy and spending less time as this Elf and more time as my MAE (Mortal Alter-Ego) and as Philippe de la Matraque (another alter-ego). Then some sadness hit. My MAE and our husband are adopting. But there has been a big setback. I won't duplicate here what she put in her blog. But it was quite a blow and now we (Don't you love pronouns when dealing with alter-ego's of the same physical person?) have to practically start again.

And before that, a hard drive died. It took with it all our websites, the spreadsheet detailing adoption saving, all our stories, all our feedback, and all our e-mail for the last 10 years or more.

My MAE is a technical support person. She could't fix that drive. It was physical damage. But she did find a way to recover some of the files. She got websites from Bravenet, which had hosted them briefly in 2008. She got some story files from her laptop, thankfully including all her poetry and unposted stories. She also got some feedback by undeleting from another drive that had temporarily held all these files last year.

She says she's creatively paralyzed. And since, creatively, she's mostly been Philippe and not Ainaechoiriel, well, that leaves me with little to say or do. Certainly nothing to write, though I have occasionally ducked my ankles into Henneth Annun's nuzgul hutch and looked at birthday drabble requests. Still, nothing took hold. Really, I need to leave her creativity to Philippe anyway. He started his story in 2004 and still isn't halfway though it. But I wouldn't mind a little short story or drabble now and then and I don't think he would either.